IELTS USA Best Practices Award


2022 Award Details

Have you and your colleagues worked cross-departmentally to provide a seamless educational experience for international students on your campus?

Apply for the 2022 IELTS USA Best Practices Award and get recognized for your achievements!

When colleges and universities are able to break down silos and collaborate across departments, they can foster an environment where international students have equal and equitable opportunities to take full advantage of their education.

IELTS USA’s Best Practices Award recognizes outstanding international enrollment management models aimed at providing a seamless educational experience for international students. It highlights collaborative and strategic enrollment management initiatives that link admissions and recruitment practices to institutional support programs, including academic and socio-emotional support, mentoring, career development, language support, and cultural enrichment.

IELTS USA is eager to celebrate the unique ways you are employing a ‘whole-institution’ approach to foster international student success.

The following exemplifies the spirit of this award:

  • Admissions team partners with ESL staff to develop an extended orientation program to acclimate international students prior to arrival on campus
  • Admissions, international student and scholars office, and academic advisors form a task force to share data and address academic and acculturation challenges for international students
  • Academic departments, career services, and ESL partner together to host a joint career bootcamp for students and employers in support of career readiness.
  • The selection committee will nominate an award recipient & honorable mention recipient
  • NAFSA Annual Conference & Expo registration for two (award recipient only)
  • Co-present with IELTS USA on featured webinar(s), regional, and/or national conferences
  • Plaque to recognize program and/or contributors
  • Promotion of the initiative on IELTS USA’s website, newsletter, and social media channels.
  • Application available - 4 April 2022
  • Application deadline - 16 May 2022
  • Application review - May - June 2022
  • Award notification - 10 June 2022
  • Applicants must be employed by an accredited, degree-granting higher education institution in the US or US territories that accepts IELTS
  • Applicants must be able to demonstrate collaboration among 2 or more departments; one of the departments must include international enrollment management/admissions
  • The selection committee is made up of IELTS USA’s Higher Education Advisory Council members; therefore, applicants employed at the same institution are not eligible. You can find a list of current Advisory Committee members here

Complete the IELTS USA Best Practices Award application, which includes a demographics form, an essay between 700 and 1000 words, and a letter of endorsement from the Chief Enrollment Manager or Chief International Officer at your institution.

Apply for the 2022 IELTS USA Best Practices Award and get recognized for your achievements.

The selection committee will evaluate proposals based on the following four criteria:

  1. The degree of innovation in the institution’s approach
  2. The extent of institutional collaboration and commitment
  3. Relevant impact on the student population
  4. Qualitative and/or quantitative research that supports outcomes

2020 Award Recipient - SEAS 360° Certificate of Professional Development University of Buffalo School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

2020 Award Honorable Mention - International Education Alliance University of Wisconsin Whitewater