List of grant recipients and research topics


Researcher(s) Title Publication 
Dr. Aysel Saricaoglu Aygan, Social Sciences University of Ankara, Turkey, Dr. Duygu Candarli, University of Dundee, UK & Dr. Jinrong Li, Georgia Southern University, USA Comparability of IELTS Academic Writing tasks and graduate-level multimodal writing tasks at universities in Turkey, UK, and USA  Research in progress
Dr. Ruslan Suvorov, The University of Western Ontario & Dr. Zhi Li, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Investigating the effect of interactive videos on test-takers’ performance on the listening section of IELTS Academic
Research in progress
Professor Okim Kang & Associate Professor Jesse Egbert, Northern Arizona University, USA
Speaking and writing features: distinguishing IELTS proficiency levels and progression over time
Research in progress
Phung Dao & Mai Xuan Nhat Chi Nguyen, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK & Huy Nguyen, Hue University of Foreign Languages, Vietnam
“IELTS Juniors” in Vietnam: perceptions of key stakeholders—young learners, parents, and course providers
Research in progress
Chiara Bruzzano, Independent Consultant and James Simpson, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology The impact of the IELTS Academic test on forced migrants’ access to Higher Education in the UK Research in progress
Prof Lynda Taylor and Dr Chihiro Inoue, CRELLA, University of Bedfordshire, UK A comprehensive review and audit of special arrangements offered to IELTS test-takers with accessibility requirements: Safeguarding equity, access and inclusion Research in progress
Dr Sathena Chan, CRELLA, University of Bedfordshire, UK and Prof. Andrea Révész, Institute of Education, University College London
Comparing IELTS Academic Writing Task 2 on computer and tablet: Test takers’ writing processes, performance and perception Research in progress
Daniel R. Isbell and Dustin Crowther, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Stakeholder Perceptions of English Proficiency Tests in University Admissions during COVID-19 and Beyond: Understanding IELTS’ Present and Glimpsing its Future Research in progress


Researcher(s) Title Publication 
Dr Nelson Brunsting, Dr Qiaona Yu & Dr Jonathan Smart, Wake Forest University USA Investigating Linkages between International Students’ English Language Proficiency, Social-Contextual Outcomes, and Well-Being in U.S. Universities Research in progress
Dr Okim Kang, Northern Arizona University USA
Test Takers’ Attitudes and Perceptions Towards IELTS and the Use of Mobile-assisted Technologies Research in progress
Mr Jaime Morrish, Sugiyama Jogakuen University & Mr Thomas Legge, Momoyama Gakuin University, Japan Teachers taking IELTS: How does doing so contribute to Individual Teaching Practice? How effective is it as Teacher Training Policy? Research in progress
Dr Mabel Ortiz & Dr Claudio Díaz, Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, Chile The effect of screencast feedback on the performance of the IELTS essay writing component among pre-service teachers of English: An intervention study in Chile Research in progress


Researcher(s) Title Publication 
Amanda Muller and Weifeng Han, Flinders University, Australia IELTS Writing band scores 5.5-7.5: Grammatical error rates, stakeholder perceptions, and risk IELTS Research Online Series 2022/1
Bao TrangThi Nguyen, Thi Thanh Binh Nguyen and Quynh-Nhu Phan, Hue University, Vietnam Vietnamese IELTS learners’ perceptions of IELTS Writing Task 2 and their performance-based lexical resource Research in progress
Daniel Lam, John Field, Nicola Latimer, Sathena Chan, CRELLA, University of Bedfordshire, UK The road to understanding in lecture listening: Cognitive processing engaged in the integration of auditory and textual information Research in progress
Nahal Khabbazbashi, Fumiyo Nakatsuhara, CRELLA, University of Bedfordshire, UK Content of speech as part of the IELTS Speaking Test construct: scale design and development Research in progress
Huahui Zhao and Thi Ngoc Yen Dang, School of Education, University of Leeds, UK
Unveiling the factors for the predictive validity of IELTS for postgraduate studies: assessment, teaching and learning in the TLU domain
Research in progress


Researcher(s) Title Publication 
Noriko Iwashita, Anita Stell, and Megan Yucel, The University of Queensland, Australia and Miyuki Sasaki, Nagoya City University, Japan Japanese stakeholders’ perceptions of IELTS Writing and Speaking tests and their impact on communication and achievement
IELTS Research Online Series 2021/4
Okim Kang, Northern Arizona University, US and Nyunkee Ahn, Seoul National University, South Korea
Investigation of relationships between learner background, linguistic progression and score gain on IELTS
IELTS Research Online Series 2021/1
Mai Nguyen, Phung Dao, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK and Huy Nguyen, Hue University, Vietnam
The impact of IELTS on English language teachers in Central Vietnam
IELTS Research Online Series 2020/1
Fumiyo Nakatsuhara, Lyn May, Nahal Khabbazbashi, CRELLA, University of Bedfordshire, UK
Exploring the speaking construct in academic settings in a digital age
Research in progress
Daniel Lam, Anthony Green, Neil Murray and Angela Gayton, CRELLA, University of Bedfordshire, UK
How are IELTS scores set and used for university admissions selection: A cross-institutional case study
IELTS Online Series 2021/3
Tania Horák, Sharon McCulloch, Josie Leonard, Chris McGuirk and Elena Gandini
Mind the gap. Unpacking IELTS Academic writing band descriptors to inform university admissions decisions
Research in progress
Sarah Richardson, Vijaya Srivastava, Ashtamurthy Killimangalam, Anit Girgla Cherian and Neelam Yadav, Australian Council for Educational Research, India
Reading Strategies of Linguistically Diverse IELTS Test Takers in India
Research in progress


Researcher(s) Title Publication 
Phil Chappell, Lynda Yates and Phil Benson, Macquarie University, Australia
Investigating test preparation practices: Reducing risk
IELTS Research Online Series 2019/3
Xun Yan and Shelley Staples, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of Arizona, US
Investigating the cognitive and social aspects of IELTS speaking performances across proficiency levels: Comparing the CAF-based and register-linguistics-based analyses
Research in progress
Talia Isaacs, Andrea Révész and Pavel Trofimovich, University College London, UK
Investigating IELTS Speaking level distinctions using automated and auditory measures: Communicative adequacy and the complexity-accuracy-fluency triad
Research in progress
Paul Seedhouse and Müge Satar, Newcastle University, UK
VEO IELTS Project Report: Which specific features of candidate talk do examiners orient to when taking scoring decisions?  IELTS Online Series 2021/5
Aek Phakiti, University of Sydney, Australia
Test-takers’ and Raters’ Reactions to an Online Integrated IELTS Writing Test
Research in progress


Researcher(s) Title Publication 
Alexandra Uitdenbogerd, Kath Lynch, James Harland, Charles Thevathayan, Margaret Hamilton, Daryl D’Souza and Sarah Zydervelt, RMIT University, Australia
IELTS: Student and supervisor perceptions of writing competencies for a Computer Science PhD
IELTS Research Online Series 2018/1
Eunice Eunhee Jang, Hyunah Kim, Megan Vincentt, Christine Barron and Bruce Russell, The University of Toronto, Canada
Improving IELTS reading test score interpretations and utilisation through cognitive diagnosis model-based skill profiling
IELTS Research Online Series 2019/2
Chihiro Inoue, Nahal Khabazbashi, Daniel Lam and Fumiyo Nakatsuhara, CRELLA, University of Bedfordshire, UK
Towards new avenues for the IELTS Speaking Test: Insights from examiners’ voices
IELTS Research Online Series 2021/2
Guoxing Yu and Andrea Révész, Bristol University, UK
A Qualitative Analysis of the Writing Processes and Features of IELTS Test‐Takers with Reference to Their Eye‐Movements
Research in progress


Researcher(s) Title Publication 
Shawn Brake, Charan Batra and Paul MacLeod, Centennial College Toronto, Canada
English Proficiency in College students (International, Generation 1.5, SESD, and native speakers) from first semester to Diploma completion
Not published
Paul Seedhouse and Sandra Morales, Newcastle University, UK
Candidates questioning examiners in the IELTS Speaking Test: An intervention study
IELTS Research Online Series 2017/5


Researcher(s) Title Publication 
Glenys Merrifield, GBM & Associates, Australia
An impact study into the use of IELTS by professional associations in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, 2014 to 2015
IELTS Research Online Series 2016/7
Philip Chappell, Agnes Bodis and Heather Jackson, Macquarie University, Australia
The impact of teacher cognition and classroom practices on IELTS test preparation courses in the Australian ELICOS sector
IELTS Research Online Series 2015/6
Aek Phakiti, The University of Sydney, Australia
Test-takers’ performance appraisals, appraisal calibration, state-trait strategy use, and state-trait IELTS listening difficulty in a simulated IELTS Listening test
IELTS Research Online Series 2016/6
Ruth Breeze and Hanne Roothooft, University of Navarra, Spain
Investigating the development of ‘grammatical range and accuracy’ at different proficiency levels in the IELTS Speaking test
IELTS Research Online Series 2019/1
Andrea Révész, Marije Michel and Minjin Lee, UCL Institute of Education, University College London, UK
Investigating IELTS Academic Writing Task 2: Relationships between cognitive writing processes, text quality, and working memory
IELTS Research Online Series 2017/3


Researcher(s) Title Publication 
Khaled Barkaoui, York University, Toronto, Canada
What changes and what doesn’t? An examination of changes in the linguistic characteristics of IELTS repeaters’ Writing Task 2 scripts
IELTS Research Online Series 2016/3
Cate Gribble, Jill Blackmore, Anne-Marie Morrissey and Tanja Capic, Deakin University, Australia
Investigating the use of IELTS in determining employment, migration and professional registration outcomes in healthcare and early childcare education in Australia
IELTS Research Online Series 2016/4
Noriko Iwashita and Claudia Vasquez, University of Queensland, Australia
An examination of discourse competence at different proficiency levels in IELTS Speaking Part 2
IELTS Research Online Series 2015/5
Sathena Chan, Stephen Bax, and Cyril Weir, University of Bedfordshire, UK
Researching participants taking IELTS Academic Writing Task 2 (AWT2) in paper mode and in computer mode in terms of score equivalence, cognitive validity and other factors
IELTS Research Online Series 2017/4
Fumiyo Nakatsuhara, Chihiro Inoue and Lynda Taylor, CRELLA, University of Bedfordshire, UK
An investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IELTS Speaking Test
IELTS Research Online Series 2017/1
Carole Sedgwick, Mark Garner and Isabel Vicente-Macia
Investigating the language needs of international nurses: insiders’ perspectives
IELTS Research Online Series 2016/2


Researcher(s) Title Publication 
Madeleine S. Estradas, UAE
An oasis in the desert: Bedouin women’s access to education and employment through IELTS
Not published
Ute Knoch, Susy Macqueen and Neomy Storch, University of Melbourne, Australia; Lyn May, Queensland University of Technology, Australia; John Pill, American University of Beirut, Lebanon
Transitioning from university to the workplace: Stakeholder perceptions of academic and professional writing demands
IELTS Research Online Series 2016/1
Guoxing Yu, University of Bristol, UK; Lianzhen He, Zhejiang University, China; and Talia Isaacs, University College London, UK
The cognitive processes of taking IELTS Academic Writing Task 1: An eye-tracking study
IELTS Research Online Series 2017/2


Researcher(s) Title Publication 
Jill Murray, Macquarie University, Ken Cruickshank, Sydney University and Judie Cross, Randwick TAFE NSW, Australia
Stakeholder perceptions of IELTS as a gateway to the professional workplace: The case of employers of overseas trained teachers
IELTS Research Online Series 2014/1
Tim Moore and Chris Wallis, Swinburne University of Technology and Janne Morton, University of Melbourne, Australia
Literacy practices in the professional workplace: implications for the IELTS General Training Reading and Writing
IELTS Research Online Series 2015/1
Paula Winke and Hyojung Lim, Michigan State University, USA
The effects of testwiseness on L2 Listening Test performance: A visual (eye-tracking) and attentional Investigation
IELTS Research Online Series 2014/3
Paul Seedhouse, Andrew Harris, Rola Naeb and Eda Üstünel, Newcastle University, UK
The relationship between speaking features and band descriptors: A mixed methods study
IELTS Research Online Series 2014/2
Talia Isaacs, Guoxing Yu and Bernardita Muñoz Chereau, University of Bristol, UK and Pavel Trofimovich, Concordia University, Canada
Examining the linguistic aspects of speech that most efficiently discriminate between the upper levels of the revised IELTS pronunciation scale
IELTS Research Online Series 2015/4


Researcher(s) Title Publication 
Li-Shih Huang, The University of Victoria, Canada
Cognitive processes involved in performing the IELTS Speaking Test: Respondents’ reported strategic behaviours in testing and non-testing contexts
IELTS Research Online Series 2013/1
John Knox and Mehdi Riazi, Macquarie University, Australia
An Investigation of the Relations between Candidates’ L1 and the Discourse of Written Performance on the IELTS Academic Writing Test
IELTS Research Online Series 2013/2
Pamela Humphreys, Michael Haugh, Ben Fenton-Smith, Ana Lobo, Rowan Michael and Ian Walkinshaw, Griffith University, Australia
Tracking international students’ English proficiency over the first semester of undergraduate study
IELTS Research Online Series 2012/1
Stephen Bax, The University of Bedfordshire, UK
Using eye-tracking to research the cognitive processes of multinational readers during an IELTS reading test
IELTS Research Online Series 2015/2
Elizabeth Arrigoni and Victoria Clark, The American University in Cairo, Egypt
Investigating the appropriateness of IELTS cut-off scores for admissions and placement decisions at an Englishmedium university in Egypt
IELTS Research Online Series 2015/3


Researcher(s) Title Publication 
Elizabeth Craven, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
The quest for IELTS Band 7.0: Investigating English language proficiency development of international students at an Australian university
IELTS Research Reports Vol 13
Ana Maria Ducasse and Annie Brown, La Trobe University, Australia
The role of interactive communication in IELTS speaking and its impact on candidates’ preparedness for study or training contexts
IELTS Research Reports Vol 12
Kieran O’Loughlin, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Developing the assessment literacy of IELTS test users in higher education
IELTS Research Reports Vol 13
Stephen Moore, Macquarie University Australia; Richmond Stroupe, Soka University Japan; and Paul Mahony IDP Cambodia
Perceptions of IELTS in Cambodia: A case study of test impact in a small developing country
IELTS Research Reports Vol 13
Gaynor Lloyd-Jones and Chris Binch, Cranfield University, UK
A case study evaluation of the English language progress of Chinese students on two UK postgraduate engineering courses
IELTS Research Reports Vol 13
Fumiyo Nakatsuhara, The University of Bedfordshire, UK
The relationship between test-takers’ listening proficiency and their performance on the IELTS Speaking test
IELTS Research Reports Vol 12


Researcher(s) Title Publication 
Lynda Yates and Beth Zielinski, Macquarie University Australia; Elizabeth Pryor, The University of Melbourne, Australia
The assessment of pronunciation and the new IELTS Pronunciation scale
IELTS Research Reports Vol 12
Glenys Merrifield, GBM and Associates Australia
The use of IELTS for assessing immigration eligibility in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the UK
IELTS Research Reports Vol 13
Fiona Cotton, University of New South Wales, Australia and Kate Wilson, The University of Canberra, Australia
An investigation of examiner rating of coherence and cohesion in the IELTS Writing Task 2
IELTS Research Reports Vol 12
Richard Badger, The University of Leeds, UK and Yan Xiaobiao, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, China
To what extent does IELTS encourage communicative language teaching in Chinese IELTS classrooms?
IELTS Research Reports Vol 13
Ruth Breeze and Paul Miller, The University of Navarra, Spain
Predictive validity of the IELTS Listening Test as an indicator of student coping ability in Spain
IELTS Research Reports Vol 12
Paul Seedhouse, Newcastle University, UK
Topic Development in the IELTS Speaking Test
IELTS Research Reports Vol 12


Researcher(s) Title Publication 
Roger Hawkey, Anthony Green, The University of Bedfordshire, UK
An empirical investigation of the process of writing Academic Reading test items for the International English Language Testing System  IELTS Research Reports Vol 11
Gaynor Lloyd-Jones, Charles Neame and Simon Medaney, Cranfield University, UK
A multiple case study of the relationship between the indicators of students’ English language competence on entry and students’ academic progress at an international postgraduate university
IELTS Research Reports Vol 11
Guoxing Yu, Pauline Rea-Dickins and Richard Kiely, The University of Bristol, UK
The cognitive processes of taking IELTS Academic Writing Task 1
IELTS Research Reports Vol 11
Tim Moore, Janne Morton and Steve Price, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Construct validity in the IELTS academic reading test: a comparison of reading requirements in IELTS test items and in university study
IELTS Research Reports Vol 11
Glenys Merrifield, GBM and Associates Australia
An impact study into the use of IELTS by professional associations and registration entities: The United Kingdom, Ireland and Canada
IELTS Research Reports Vol 11
Wayne Sawyer and Michael Singh, The University of Western Sydney, Australia
Learning to play the ‘classroom tennis’ well: IELTS and international students in teacher education
IELTS Research Reports Vol 11


Researcher(s) Title Publication 
John Read and Rosemary Wette, The University of Auckland, New Zealand
Achieving English proficiency for professional registration: The experience of overseas-qualified health professionals in the New Zealand context
IELTS Research Reports Vol 10
Peter Mickan and Johanna Motteram, The University of Adelaide, Australia
The preparation practices of IELTS candidates: Case studies
IELTS Research Reports Vol 10
Roger Hawkey, Cyril Weir, Anthony Green, Sarojani Devi, The University of Bedfordshire, UK
The cognitive processes underlying the academic reading construct as measured by IELTS
IELTS Research Reports Vol 9
Richard Badger and Oscar Yan, The University of Leeds, UK
The use of tactics and strategies by Chinese students in the listening component of IELTS
IELTS Research Reports Vol 9
David Hyatt and Greg Brooks, The University of Sheffield, UK
Investigating stakeholders’ perceptions of IELTS as an entry requirement for higher education in the UK
IELTS Research Reports Vol 10
Katherine Golder, Kenneth Reeder and Sarah Fleming, The British Columbia Institute of Technology, Canada
Determination of the appropriate IELTS band score for the admission into a program at a post-secondary polytechnic institution
IELTS Research Reports Vol 10


Researcher(s) Title Publication 
Glenys Merrifield, GBM and Associates, Australia
An impact study into the use of IELTS as an entry criterion for professional associations: USA, New Zealand and Australia
IELTS Research Reports Vol 8
Hilary Smith and Stephen Haslett, Systemetrics Pty Ltd, New Zealand
The use of IELTS General Training Module in technical and vocational tertiary institutions: A case study from Aotearoa New Zealand
IELTS Research Reports Vol 8
Kieran O’Loughlin and Sophie Arkoudis, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Investigating IELTS exit score gains in higher education
IELTS Research Reports Vol 10
John Field, University of Reading, UK
A cognitive validation of the lecture-listening component of the IELTS Listening paper
IELTS Research Reports Vol 9
Cyril Weir, Roger Hawkey, Anthony Green, Aylin Unaldi, Sarojani Devi, The University of Bedfordshire, UK
The relationship between the academic reading construct as measured by IELTS and the reading experiences of students in the first year of their courses at a British university
IELTS Research Reports Vol 9
Christine Pegg and Alison Wray, Cardiff University, UK
The effect of memorised learning on the writing scores of Chinese IELTS test takers
IELTS Research Reports Vol 9


Researcher(s) Title Publication 
Paul Seedhouse, The University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK; and Maria Egbert, The University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
The interactional organisation of the IELTS Speaking test  IELTS Research Reports Vol 6
Jayanti Banerjee, Florencia Franceschina and Anne Margaret Smith, Lancaster University, UK
Documenting features of written language production typical at different IELTS band score levels
IELTS Research Reports Vol 7
David Ingram and Amanda Bayliss, Melbourne University Private, Australia
IELTS as a predictor of academic language performance. Part 1: The view from participants
IELTS Research Reports Vol 7
Andrea Paul, Melbourne University Private, Australia
IELTS as a predictor of academic language performance. Part 2: Case studies of learner language
IELTS Research Reports Vol 7
Kieran O’Loughlin, The University of Melbourne, Australia
The use of IELTS for university selection in Australia: A case study
IELTS Research Reports Vol 8
Peter Mickan, The University of Adelaide, Australia
An ethnographic study of classroom instruction in an IELTS preparation program
IELTS Research Reports Vol 8
Carole Gibson and Anne Swan,The University of South Australia
The significance of socio-linguistic backgrounds of teachers of IELTS preparation courses in selected Malaysian institutions
IELTS Research Reports Vol 8


Researcher(s) Title Publication 
Catherine Elder and Gillian Wigglesworth, The University of Melbourne, Australia
An investigation of the effectiveness and validity of planning time in Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking Test IELTS Research Reports Vol 6
Michael Carey, Robert Mannell, and Geoff Brindley, Macquarie University, Australia
The contribution of interlanguage phonology accommodation to inter-examiner variation in the rating of pronunciation in oral proficiency interviews
IELTS Research Reports Vol 9
Barry O’Sullivan, Roehampton University, UK; Cyril Weir, The University of Luton, UK; Tomoko Horai, Roehampton University, UK
Exploring difficulty in Speaking tasks. An intra-task perspective
IELTS Research Reports Vol 6
M.A. Yadugiri, University of Bangalore, India
A study of the linguistic and discourse features in the output from IELTS academic writing tasks
Not published
Annie Brown, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, UAE
An examination of the rating process in the revised IELTS Speaking Test
IELTS Research Reports Vol 6
Christopher Hampton, British Consulate, Shanghai, China
What makes a good Speaking Test? Perceptions of candidates and examiners
Not published
Hilary Smith, Systemetrics Research Limited and Stephen Haslett, Massey University, New Zealand
Attitudes of tertiary key decision-makers towards English language tests in Aotearoa New Zealand: Report on the results of a national provider survey
IELTS Research Reports Vol 7
Pauline Rea-Dickins, Richard Kiely and Guoxing Yu, The University of Bristol, UK
Student identity, learning and progression: The affective and academic impact of IELTS on ‘successful’ candidates
IELTS Research Reports Vol 7


Researcher(s) Title Publication 
John Read, The University of Auckland; and Paul Nation, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
An investigation of the lexical dimension of the IELTS Speaking Test
IELTS Research Reports Vol 6
Barry O’Sullivan, The University of RoeHampton, UK; and Yang Lu, The University of Reading, UK
The impact of candidate language of examiner deviation from a set interlocutor frames in the IELTS Speaking test
IELTS Research Reports Vol 6
Cyril Weir, The University of Luton, UK; Barry O’Sullivan, The University of Reading, UK; Jin Yan, Jiao Tong University, China; Steven Bax, Canterbury University, Christchurch, UK
Does the computer make a difference? Reactions of candidates to a CBT versus traditional hand-written forms of the IELTS Writing component: Effects and Impact
IELTS Research Reports Vol 7


Researcher(s) Title Publication 
Annie Brown, The University of Melbourne, Australia A cross sectional and longitudinal study of examiner behaviour in the revised IELTS Speaking Test
SiLT 19
Barry O’Sullivan and Mark Rignall, The University of Reading, UK
A longitudinal study of the effects of feedback on raters of the IELTS Writing Module
SiLT 19
Chandra Rao, Kate McPherson, Rajni Chand and Veena Khan, USP Solutions, The University of the South Pacific Assessing the impact of IELTS preparation programs on candidates’ performance on the General Training Reading and Writing Modules
IELTS Research Reports Vol 5
Cyril Weir, The University of Luton, UK; and Anthony Green, Cambridge ESOL, UK
The impact of IELTS on the preparation classroom: stakeholder attitudes and practices as a response to test task demands
Not published
Russell Whitehead, ESOL Consultant, UK
Issues in the assessment of pen and paper and computer-based IELTS Writing Tasks
Not published


Researcher(s) Title Publication 
Barry O’Sullivan and Mark Rignall, The University of Reading, UK
Assessing the value of bias analysis feedback to raters for the IELTS Writing Module
SiLT 19
Catherine Elder, The University of Auckland NZ; and Kieran O’Loughlin, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Investigating the relationship between intensive English language study and band score gain on IELTS
IELTS Research Reports Vol 4
Chris Kennedy and Dilys Thorp,The University of Birmingham, UK
Investigation of linguistic output of General Training Writing Task 2
Not published
Cynthia Celestine, Cheah Su Ming, Geetha Rajaratnam, IDP Education Australia Malaysia; and Norazina Ismail, The University of Malaysia
A comparative study of IELTS to ascertain its viability for the Malaysia private secondary school market
IELTS Research Reports Vol 5
Cyril Weir and Anthony Green, The University of Surrey, Roehampton, UK
Monitoring score gain on the IELTS Academic Writing Module in EAP programmes of varying duration
Not published
Peter Mickan, The University of Adelaide, Australia
What’s your score? An investigation into language descriptors for rating written performance
IELTS Research Reports Vol 5
David Coleman, The University of Sydney; Sue Starfield, The University of New South Wales; and Anne Hagan, The University of Ulster, UK
The attitudes of IELTS stakeholders: student and staff perceptions of IELTS in Australian, UK and Chinese tertiary institutions
IELTS Research Reports Vol 5


Researcher(s) Title Publication 
Annie Brown, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Legibility and the rating of second language writing: An investigation of the rating of handwritten and word processed IELTS Task 2 essays
IELTS Research Reports Vol 4
Chris Kennedy and Dilys Thorp, The University of Birmingham, UK
A Corpus-based Investigation of linguistic responses to an IELTS Academic Writing Task
SiLT 19
John Read, Victoria University of Wellington; and Belinda Hayes, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
The impact of IELTS on preparation for academic study in New Zealand
IELTS Research Reports Vol 4
Kieran O’Loughlin, The University of Melbourne; and Gillian Wigglesworth, Macquarie University, Australia
Task design in IELTS Academic Writing Task 1: The effect of quantity and manner of presentation of information on candidate writing
IELTS Research Reports Vol 4; SiLT 19
Clare Furneaux and Mark Rignall,The University of Reading, UK
The effect of standardisation training on rater judgements for the IELTS Writing Module
SiLT 19



Researcher(s) Title Publication 
Barbara Mayor, Ann Hewings, Joan Swann, and Caroline Coffin,The Open University, UK
A linguistic analysis of Chinese and Greek L1 scripts for IELTS Academic Writing Task 2
SiLT 19
Brent Merrylees, LTC Language and Testing Consultants Pty Ltd, Australia
An impact study of two IELTS user groups: candidates who sit the test for immigration purposes and candidates who sit the test for secondary education purposes
IELTS Research Reports Vol 4
Rae Everett and Judy Coleman,The University of New England, Australia
A critical analysis of selected IELTS preparation materials
IELTS Research Reports Vol 5
Peter Mickan, Adelaide University, Australia; and Stephen Slater, Heian Jogakuin University, Japan
Text analysis and the assessment of Academic Writing
IELTS Research Reports Vol 4



Researcher(s) Title Publication 
Annie Brown, The University of Melbourne, Australia
An investigation of the rating process in the IELTS Oral Interview
IELTS Research Reports Vol 3; SILT 19
Clare McDowell, Australian Research and Testing Services, Australia
Monitoring IELTS examiner training effectiveness
IELTS Research Reports Vol 3
Carol Gibson, Stephen Slater, The University of South Australia and Peter Mickan, The University of Adelaide, Australia
A study of response validity of the IELTS Writing Module
IELTS Research Reports Vol 3
Kieran O’Loughlin, The University of Melbourne, Australia
The impact of gender in the IELTS Oral Interview
IELTS Research Reports Vol 3; SILT 19
Mary Kerstjens and Caryn Nery, RMIT University, Australia
Predictive validity in the IELTS Test: a study of the relationship between minimum IELTS scores and students’ academic success
IELTS Research Reports Vol 3



Researcher(s) Title Publication 
Kathryn Hill, Neomy Storch and Brian Lynch, The University of Melbourne, Australia A comparison of IELTS and TOEFL as predictors of academic success
IELTS Research Reports Vol 2
Brent Merrylees, LTC Language and Testing Consultants Pty Ltd, Australia
An investigation of Speaking test reliability with particular reference to examiner attitude to the Speaking test format and candidate/examiner discourse produced
IELTS Research Reports Vol 2; SiLT 19
Cynthia Celestine and Cheah Su Ming, IDP Education Australia
The effect of background disciplines on IELTS scores
IELTS Research Reports Vol 2
Tim Moore, Monash University, Australia; and Janne Morton, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Authenticity in the IELTS Academic Module Writing Test: a comparative study of Task 2 items and university assignments
IELTS Research Reports Vol 2; SiLT 19



Researcher(s) Title Publication 
Annie Brown and Kathryn Hill, The University of Melbourne, Australia Interviewer style and candidate performance in the IELTS Oral Interview
IELTS Research Reports Vol 1; SiLT 19
Clare McDowell and Brent Merrylees, LTC Language and Testing Consultants Pty Ltd, Australia
Survey of receiving institutions’ use and attitude towards IELTS
IELTS Research Reports Vol 1
Fiona Cotton and Frank Conrow, The University of Tasmania, Australia
An investigation of the predictive validity of IELTS amongst a sample of international students at the University of Tasmania
IELTS Research Reports Vol 1
James D H Brown, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Does IELTS preparation work? An application of the context-adaptive model of language program evaluation
IELTS Research Reports Vol 1
Magdalena Mok, Nick Parr, Tony Lee and Elaine Wylie, Griffith University, Australia A comparative study of IELTS and ACCESS Test results
IELTS Research Reports Vol 1
Gayle Coleman and Stephen Heap, The University of Queensland, Australia The misinterpretation of directions for questions in the Academic Reading and Listening sub-tests of the IELTS Test
IELTS Research Reports Vol 1