Caroline Clapham IELTS Masters Award presented to Hyunjin Kim

The winner of this year’s Caroline Clapham IELTS Masters Award, Hyunjin Kim of the University of Bristol, received her prize on 24 June at the Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC) banquet. The prize includes a certificate, sponsored travel to and attendance at LTRC, and £1000.

Hyunjin Kim
Sponsored by the IELTS partners, the award was established to encourage young researchers to pursue careers in language testing. Fifteen years on, it appears the award is fulfilling its aim quite well. A number of winners are currently pursuing PhDs in the field, and others have gone on to working as researchers in exam boards, directors of teacher training institutes, and lecturers (professors) in academia. Indeed, this year’s winner was supervised by a former recipient of the award, Talia Isaacs, who won in 2007.
At this year’s LTRC, the main conference for language testing researchers, eight award winners were in attendance. The 2011 winner, Kellie Frost, also won the award for best paper presented by a graduate student at the conference.
The IELTS partners are delighted to announce these award winners and continue to encourage excellence in the field of language testing.
