IELTS Masters Award

Caroline Clapham IELTS Masters Award

As part of the tenth anniversary of IELTS in 1999, the IELTS Partners – British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and Cambridge English – established an annual award of £1,000 for the Masters level dissertation or thesis in English which makes the most significant contribution to the field of language testing. In 2010, the award was renamed the Caroline Clapham IELTS Masters Award in recognition of her contribution to IELTS in particular and language testing in general.

Each year, the IELTS Research Committee reviews submissions for the award and shortlists potential winners. Submissions must be for a dissertation/thesis written in partial or total fulfilment of the requirements for a Master's degree or its equivalent, and must be supported by a letter from the applicant's academic supervisor. The work should be language testing focused but need not be IELTS-related.

Submissions are reviewed and evaluated according to a set timetable and established criteria. The Committee reserves the right not to make an award at its sole discretion, and its decision is final.

The award is normally presented at a major language testing event during the following year, e.g. at the annual Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC), and the IELTS partners sponsor the award winner's attendance at this event for this purpose.

Previous award winners


Year Winner Location
2021 Svetlana Mazhurnaya – A comparative investigation of the interactional profile of convergent and deviant cases across proficiency levels in a paired EAP oral test.
Lancaster University, UK
2021 (Highly commended) Catherine Hughes – Exploring and analysing rater perceptions of linguistic proficiency when making holistic judgements of extended speech and the specific factors contributing to these judgements.
Lancaster University, UK
2020 Alina Carastoian Reid – Cognitive Authenticity and Cognitive Complexity in Multi-text Integrated Reading-into-writing Summary Tasks’
Lancaster University, UK
2019 Dylan Burton – ‘Raters’ Perceptions and Operationalization of Authentic Engagement in Oral Proficiency Tests'.
Lancaster University, UK
2018 Chi Lai Tsang – Examining Washback on Learning from a Sociocultural Perspective: The Case of a Graded Approach to English Language Testing in Hong Kong’
University College London, UK
2017 Martin Stark – 'Exploring the relationship between automated analyses of linguistic features and human ratings of test-taker performances on an ESL writing task'
Lancaster University, UK
2016 David Wei Dai – ‘The effect of including non-native accents in English listening tests for young learners: psychometric and learner perspectives’
University of Melbourne, Australia
2015 Hyunjin Kim – ‘Teachers’ voices in the decision to discontinue a public examination reform’
University of Bristol, UK
2015 (Highly commended) Saeede Haghi – ‘The role of visuals in listening tests for academic purposes'
University of Warwick, UK
2014 Lorraine Briegel-Jones – 'An investigation into nonverbal behaviour in the oral proficiency interview’
Newcastle University, UK
2013 Benjamin Kremmel – 'Explaining Variance in Reading Test Performance through Linguistic Knowledge'
Lancaster University, UK
2012 Veronika Timpe – 'Strategic decoding of sociopragmatic utterances: A think-aloud validation study'
Lancaster University, UK
2012 (Highly commended) Anne-France Pinget – 'Native speakers' perceptions of fluency and accent in L2 speech'
Utrecht University, Netherlands
2011 Kellie Frost – 'Investigating the validity of an integrated listening-speaking task: A discourse-based analysis of test takers’ oral performances'
The University of Melbourne, Australia
2010 Thom Kiddle – 'The effect of mode of response on a semi-direct test of oral proficiency'
Lancaster University, UK
2010 (Highly commended) Gerard Seinhorst – 'Are three options better than four? Investigating the effections of reducing the number of options per item on the quality of a multiple-choice reading test'
Lancaster University, UK
2009 Ruslan Suvorov – 'Context visuals in L2 listening tests: the effectiveness of photographs and video vs. audio only format'
Iowa State University of Science and Technology, USA
2008 Susan Clarke – 'Investigating interlocutor input and candidate response on the IELTS speaking test: A systematic Functional Linguistics Approach'
Macquarie University, Australia
2008 (Highly commended) Kerry Ryan – 'Assessing the OET: The nurse’s perspective'
University of Melbourne, Australia
2007 Talia Isaacs – 'Towards defining a valid assessment criterion of pronunciation proficiency in non-native English speaking graduate students'
McGill University, Canada
2006 Youn-Hee Kim – 'An investigation into variability of tasks and teacher-judges in second language oral performance assessment' (L2 oral performance)
McGill University, Canada
2005 Fumiyo Nakatsuhara – 'An investigation into Conversational styles in paired speaking tests' (CAE)
University of Essex, UK
2004 No award made
2003 Eunice Eunhee Jang – 'In search of folk fairness in language testing' (TOEFL)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
2002 No award made
2001 Sang-Keun Shin – 'An exploratory study of the construct validity of timed essay tests' (L2 learners)
University of California at Los Angeles, USA
2000 Sally O’Hagan – 'Assessment of student essays: Methods of marking work written by students from non-English speaking backgrounds' (ESL)
University of Melbourne, Australia
2000 Lindsay Brooks – 'Adult ESL attitudes towards performance-based assessment' (ESL)
OISE/University of Toronto, Canada

Submission and evaluation procedures

Dissertations will only be considered eligible if they were submitted and approved by your university in 2021. Dissertations completed in 2022 may be submitted the following year. 

Submissions should be for dissertations written in partial or total fulfilment of the requirements for a Master's degree or its equivalent. The dissertation should be language testing focused but need not be IELTS-related.

To apply, the following should be sent to the address below:

  1. Your contact details.
  2. Your dissertation abstract, Introduction, Review, and Method chapters.
  3. A reference sent directly by your supervisor. Electronic submissions are preferred.

Tony Clark
Research and Thought Leadership
Cambridge English 
Shaftesbury Road
Cambridge CB2 8EA
United Kingdom

The IELTS Research Committee will review the submissions and shortlist potential award winners. Those shortlisted must provide a full copy of their dissertation, and a further reference may be sought.

Shortlisted dissertations will be reviewed and evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • rationale for the research
  • contextualisation within the literature
  • feasibility of outcomes
  • design of research question(s)
  • choice and use of methodology
  • interpretation and conclusions
  • quality of presentation
  • use of references
  • contribution to the field
  • potential for future publication.

The Committee's decision is final.


The following timetable will apply:

30 June Deadline for submission of dissertation extracts and supervisor's reference to Cambridge English
31 August Deadline for submission of full copies of shortlisted dissertations (and further references if required)
October/November Meeting of IELTS Research Committee
November/December Announcement of award winner