IELTS Morgan Terry Memorial IATEFL Scholarship Award for 2017

IELTS is now accepting applications for the 2017 IELTS Morgan Terry Memorial IATEFL Scholarship Award.

The aim of this award is to celebrate innovative practice in the teaching of IELTS and applications are invited from teachers all over the world to submit creative, resourceful and innovative teaching ideas. Previous winners have come from New Zealand, Canada, Turkey and the UK.
The award covers registration and attendance at IATEFL Glasgow in 2017. This includes travel, accommodation, a year’s IATEFL membership and registration for the TEASIG’s pre-IATEFL conference event.  
Speaking at this year’s IATEFL in Birmingham, Sonja Zander – the winner of the award for 2016 – said, “Being given the opportunity to go to the IATEFL conference has been one of the highlights of my professional career to date. I learnt so much in such a short time. It was an intensive week of workshops and sessions throughout the day and sharing ideas and information with teachers from all over the world in the evening. I’ve come back with heaps of new ideas and can’t wait to implement them in my classes.”
The IELTS Morgan Terry Memorial IATEFL Scholarship Award is funded by the IELTS partners in memory of Morgan Terry, a dear colleague who made significant contributions to the work of IELTS until her untimely death in 2011. 

Sonja Zander
In addition to the award Sonja participated in a panel discussion on the theme of the scholarship - Innovation in the IELTS classroom. The panellists, all teachers of IELTS, discussed the meaning of innovation in different contexts and the role of technology. Leading up to the panel discussion, conference participants were invited to write their definitions of innovation in the IELTS classroom. Winning definition by Narrisa Houat from Morocco is:
First believing that teaching is a mission and art and the more you love your passion for teaching, the more you love your students and then you will give them freedom to be more creative. Innovation is freedom and giving students the freedom to think critically and treat them according to their mindset.
For further information and details on the how to apply for the 2017 scholarship go here.
