IELTS is introducing a new test for UK visa and immigration purposes

IELTS Life Skills A2 fills the gap between the existing IELTS Life Skills A1 and B1 Speaking and Listening Tests. It will meet the needs of people who need to prove their language skills at level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference as part of an application for a UK visa or other immigration purposes.
The new test will be available from July 2016 at centres in the UK which are already authorised to run ‘SELT’ tests for UK visas and immigration purposes.

Life Skills A2 Test

As with the existing Life Skills A1 and B1 tests, the A2 tests will be taken by pairs of test takers, and conducted and assessed by a single Examiner. The Speaking and Listening components are integrated so that both skills are assessed during a single session. 

The assessment criteria will focus on a test taker’s ability to perform communicative functions such as obtaining and conveying information, speaking to communicate a message and ideas, and engaging in discussion.
For further information about the IELTS Life Skills – A2 - Speaking and Listening tests, go to 
