Caroline Clapham IELTS Masters Award announced

The IELTS Research Committee, comprising representatives of the British Council, Cambridge Assessment English, and IDP: IELTS Australia, is pleased to announce the awarding of the 2013 Caroline Clapham IELTS Masters Award to Benjamin Kremmel, for his dissertation submitted to Lancaster University entitled “Explaining Variance in Reading Test Performance through Linguistic Knowledge.” The dissertation was supervised by Tineke Brunfaut.

The award, which carries a prize of £1000, will be formally presented to the winner at the annual Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC) in June 2014.

The Caroline Clapham IELTS Masters Award is presented annually to the Master’s-level dissertation or thesis in English which makes the most significant contribution to the field of language testing.

Qualified individuals who would like to join the 2014 competition are invited to visit IELTS Masters Award for details of the competition and submission guidelines.

Congratulations to Mr Kremmel!
