Faster access to IELTS tests in Australia

The demand for IELTS tests in Australia has increased dramatically in the past few years, resulting in thousands of extra places being made available throughout Australia.

Mary Lou Hayman, Regional Manager for IELTS in Australia, said: “In the past two years, a number of new test centres have opened in capital cities where demand for IELTS is high.”

The capacity of existing IELTS test centres has also increased significantly, with access to additional places in new regional testing facilities and remote mining communities.

These recent improvements have led to very short waiting times for an IELTS test in Australia.

This is welcome news in the lead up to the 2010 academic year in Australia and a time when demand for permanent residency in Australia remains high.

The newest IELTS test centres in Australia include:

  • The University of Western Australia in Perth
  • PIBT Joondalup campus in Perth
  • University of Western Sydney in Sydney

The existing test centres below, have all substantially increased their testing capacity over the past 18 months:

  • CELUSA in Adelaide
  • ICTE – UQ in Brisbane
  • Monash University in Melbourne
  • UTS in Sydney
  • Macquarie University in Sydney
  • ACL in Sydney
  • UNSW in Sydney
