1. Overview
  2. IELTS Results
  3. Band Scores
  4. Four Skills

General Training Reading: What is the IELTS General Training Reading test?

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The General Training Reading test takes 60 minutes. There are 40 questions, divided into three sections, based on reading texts with a total word length of 2,150 to 2,375 words.

Texts and questions appear on a question paper which test takers can write on but not remove from the test room. All answers must be entered on an Answer Sheet during the 60-minute test.

No extra time is allowed to transfer answers.

A variety of question types are used, chosen from the following types:

  • multiple choice
  • short-answer questions
  • sentence/ notes/ summary/ diagram/ flow-chart/ table completion
  • identification of writer's views/claims - yes, no or not given
  • identifcation of information in the text - true, false or not given
  • matching information, headings, features or sentence endings
  • multiple matching task

The General Training Reading test contains a number of texts. Texts are authentic and are taken from notices, advertisements, company handbooks, official documents, books, magazines and newspapers.

The first section, 'everyday life', contains two or three short factual texts, one of which may be composite (consisting of 6-8 short texts related by topic e.g. hotel advertisements). Topics are relevant to everyday life in an English-speaking country.

The second section, 'work-related issues', contains two short factual texts focusing on work-related issues (e.g. applying for jobs, company policies, pay and conditions, workplace facilities, staff development and training).

The third section, 'general interest', contains one longer, more complex text on a topic of general interest.

A variety of question types are used in order to test a wide range of reading skills. These include reading for gist, reading for main ideas, reading for detail, skimming, understanding logical argument, understanding inferences and implied meaning, and recognising writers' opinions, attitudes and purpose.

One mark is awarded for each correct answer in the 40-item test. A band score conversion table is produced for each version of the General Training Reading test which translates scores out of 40 into the IELTS 9-band scale.

Scores are reported as a whole band or a half band.

Care should be taken when writing answers on the answer sheet as poor spelling and grammar are penalised.

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